Sustainable drainage systems on new developments
18 January 2019
Legislation making sustainable drainage systems on new developments mandatory.

From 7 January 2019, all new developments of more than 1 dwelling house or where the construction area is 100m2 or more, will require Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) for surface water.
From this date onwards, SuDS on new developments must be designed and built in accordance with the Statutory SuDS Standards published by the Welsh Ministers and SuDS Schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its SAB role, before construction work begins.
Schedule 3 to the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (external link) makes SuDS a mandatory requirement for all new developments. SuDS aim to manage rainfall in a way similar to natural processes, making use of the landscape and natural vegetation to control the flow and volume of surface water. SuDS can deliver multiple benefits including:
- flood risk reduction,
- improved water quality,
- opportunities for habitat creation,
- enhanced biodiversity,
- supporting well-being through bringing people closer to green and blue community spaces.
Making SuDS mandatory on new developments will help deliver our commitment to improve management of our water environment. It also supports our targets for new developments whilst delivering ecosystem resilience, enhanced biodiversity and benefits for citizens across Well-being Goals and ‘Prosperity for All’ priorities.